【花好月圆 II 】庆中秋音乐会 

天使之音 【茉莉花】

音乐天使------苏馨怡 ( Sammi Su )


音乐天使------苏馨怡。曾获得2017年美国天才国际声乐比赛-百老汇音乐剧演唱与歌剧咏叹调演唱双料冠军。并受邀在音乐最高殿堂  纽约卡内基音乐厅表演。2017年7月22日【许一个未来】苏馨怡个人慈善演唱会在鲍德温公园市演艺中心举行,为青少年唱响未来梦想乐章。获得了圆满成功。





Sammi Su lives in Los Angeles, California. At age 8, she began her study in music. Since then she has received the level 10 Certificate of Merit from the Music Teachers’ Association of California in both Classical Voice and Piano. Today, Sammi performs as a guest performer at various community and international events with a few including the 2014 Chinese American New Year Festival Gala, the Relay for Life Walk in 2015, the 2015 Chinese American Film Festival “Welcome Dinner” , the singing competition on Chinese television, “Supergirl,” and during the auditions for the popular television program, Sing! China in 2017. Moreover, Sammi won first place within two categories of the 2017 American Protégé International Vocal Competition the Broadway / Musical Theatre Repertoire Category, and the Opera Aria Repertoire Category; and she has been invited to perform in Carnegie Hall in New York.

本次音乐会的票价为:$100 / $80 / $60/ $40 ( 已售完) /$20 (学生)
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
188 Campus Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007
Tel: (626) 821-1781, (626) 375-4799, (626)313-0333
时间:2017年10月7日 晚上7:00整