为了提高海外华人华侨的文化素养,尤其是华裔青少年的艺术修养, 美国中华国乐团(作为美国最优秀的国乐团之一)成立了其附属青少年国乐团。该乐团将是美国首个由准职业国乐团建立及管理的青少年国乐团,其宗旨是通过专业的演奏技术培训和音乐熏陶,提高青少年的音乐演奏技能和综合艺术素质,其长远发展目标是成为洛杉矶、乃至全美地区最优秀的青少年国乐团。


In order to improve the cultural literacy and appreciation of overseas Chinese, especially the artistic accomplishment of Chinese teenagers, the American Chinese National Orchestra (as one of the best national orchestras in the United States) has established its affiliated Youth National Orchestra. The orchestra will be the first Youth National Orchestra established and managed by a semi professional National Orchestra in the United States. The purpose of Youth National Orchestra is to improve youngsters music performance techniques and all round artistic quality through professional performance training and music edification. The long-term goal is to become the best Youth National Orchestra in Los Angeles and even in the United States.

The orchestra was founded by George Li, President of Merano Cultural Performances and founding president of the American Chinese Musicians Association. Wang Dawei, music director of the American Chinese Orchestra, director of the American Chinese Musicians Association and chief conductor of the American Chinese Orchestra, served as art consultant and principal conductor. Xiang Qin, a soloist of the American Chinese Orchestra, a famous bow string performer and a director of the American Chinese Musicians Association, was the first leader. Rose Li , general manager of Merano musical instrument ., director of American Chinese Musicians Association, Secretary General of Merano Culturral Performances and Secretary General of American Chinese Orchestra, served as the Secretary General.The Youth National Orchestra members will have the opportunity to receive the guidance of the principal of each part, outstanding musicians and performers of the American Chinese National Orchestra. In the meantime, it will also get the sharing of software and hardware resources. The orchestra will conduct semi professional management and technical training with reference to the organizational system and management system of the professional Chinese Orchestra. The long term rehearsal and training place is the American Merano cultural performance center. It will share the most advanced rehearsal stages and facilities in Los Angeles with the American Chinese Orchestra. The members who have passed the audition will receive professional performance training of national music, and have the opportunity to participate in various performances and foreign exchange activities regularly organized by the National Orchestra. Meanwhile, they also have the chance to perform with the prominent performers of the American Chinese Orchestra and get master classes from them.


1.  招收对象及要求:


2.  报名方式:


3.  报名费用:

$60 (面试当天缴纳)

4.  面试内容:



5.  面试时间:


6.  报名时间:








2.  专业设置:





3.  排练时间:


4.  排练费用:

$50/次 (每月支付,学生因故缺席,费用不退)

5. 排练地址:
