2021第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节“双轨出击” 海内外艺术家呈献跃金




今回は更に多彩で素晴らしい催しになるはずです。2021の第4期のアメリカレガシーカップ国際芸術祭(2021 The 4th US Legacy Cup International Art Festival)は米国の国際芸術祭組織委員会(US Legacy Cup International Competition Organizing Committee)を受け継いで米国カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス郡政府(County of Los Angeles)と共同で主催します。メラノ文化公演(Merano Cultural Performances)の援助で、アメリカンイーグルドラゴンメディア(EDI Media Inc)と米中の華人の音楽家協会(Sino―US Chinese Musicians Association)の協力で中華文化アイデア基金会(Chinese Creative Cultural Organization)と海外伝統的な演劇連盟(Overseas Union of Chinese Theatre Arts)で共同開催します。芸術祭は観衆にとても良い放映を提供というテーマで、14カ国で10回の開催をしています。オンラインと公演のハイブリットの形式を通じて観衆のために放映し、そして同時に音楽、舞踊、伝統的な演劇と書画の4項目のアートコンベンションを行います。アーティスト達の素晴らしいパーフォースを放映しますので、8月7日~8月21日には、ぜひ約束の場所でお会いしましょう。天使の街で中華文化は伝承しましょう!


This is more exciting than simply gathering together.

2021 the 4th US Legacy Cup International Art Festival is hosted by the US Legacy Cup International Art Festival Organizing Committee and co-hosted by the County of Los Angeles, California, United States. It is also co-organized and sponsored by the Merano Cultural Performances, EDI Media Inc., Sino-US Chinese Musicians Association, Chinese Creative Cultural Organization and Overseas Union of Chinese Theatre Arts. The Art Festival is centered on the theme of dedicating to the audience with high quality programs and promoting and embracing traditions and culture. 10 concerts from 14 countries will be shown both on stage and online.  There will also be four competitions held at the Festival in music, dance, opera, and calligraphy and painting. This is a platform and a time for the fans of the US Legacy Cup to celebrate and carry on the excellence of Chinese culture and to shine their talents and skills! Please come to join us at the Festival from August 7th to August 21st in the City of Los Angles!

Thank you and see you then!


腾讯视频:2021第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节(宣传片之三) http://v.qq.com/x/page/u3258r8sumr.html



腾讯视频:2021第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节∽张素久贺词 http://v.qq.com/x/page/b32579e468f.html

优酷视频:2021第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节~美国南加州知名侨领张素久贺词 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTE3Nzg2OTkyMA==.html


bilibili 视频:2021第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节∽著名越剧表演艺术家王文娟贺词


腾讯视频:2021第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节∽王文娟贺词 https://v.qq.com/x/page/l3255l45s0b.html?




腾讯视频:2021第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节(宣传片之二) http://v.qq.com/x/page/f3257cqhmk5.html



2021 第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节开幕式



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本次艺术节开幕式将由美国CBS电视网、NBC电视网和CHANNEL 5主流媒体负责报道。


Art connects people of all walks of life, and can speak to the world! Scheduled on August  7th, 2021, the Opening Ceremony of the 2021 4th US Legacy Cup International Arts Festival will be held in the Bonita Center for the Arts and be live broadcasted globally. This is the first live concert held in theater since the outbreak of Covid-19 and it is dedicated to all combat heroes in fighting against the pandemic for the past year.

The program is divided into three themes, “A Beautiful Combat”, “Salute to Heroes”, and “Beautiful Flowers with a Full Moon”. The program includes recitations, vocal including opera singing, and instrument performance.  The artists will showcase their best interpretation of various types of music works. The concert will remind the audience of the unforgettable experience and the time of all Los Angeles fought against the epidemic.

The concert will focus on praising the spirit of "being brave and willing to contribute" during the anti-epidemics, the spirit of solidarity of helping each other,  of daring to fight and win, of depending on science,  and sharing a common goal and overcoming difficulties.

The concert will invites about 1000 front-line anti-epidemics heroes and their families; they include officials from the Los Angeles County, front-line medical staff, police officers, fire-fighter from the Los Angeles Fire Department.  Kathryn Barger, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Barbara Feller, Director of LA County Public Health, and Chief of the Angeles County Police Department will give speeches at the Opening Ceremony.

Sophy Wu, the chief director of the concert states that the reopening of the theater will undoubtedly rekindle the enthusiasm of the general public, and inject positive energy into the economy recovery of Los Angeles area. It is also a milestone of starting bringing people’s life back to normal. She indicates that the reopening of the theater also suggests that what was deprived from people’s life during the pandemic shall be returned to people one at a time. She also said that it is not easy to put a program together at this time since the pandemic has not completely gone and that it had taken thoughtful considerations and undergone many careful preparations and procedures so that all necessary requirements are met for epidemic prevention and control. She believes that people of Los Angeles will sure appreciate and welcome the efforts and the program at this specific time.

“It is with a mix of feelings of being able to watch the first concert in the theater with representatives of the anti-epidemic heroes, it is meaningful and more emotional than watching shows at any other times,” said Mr. George Li, President of Merano Cultural Performances  . He praised highly on the program: "many people had put in their heart and souls in this program, and with such devotions and hard-work, the performance will no-doubt be outstanding and touching.” He continued that “when you see the video clips of the anti-epidemic period on the big screen, it will surely bring those vivid memories of the times when the city was locked down and when we were working together to fight the pandemic.”  However, he emphasized that with the reopening of the theater, people's lives will surely be gradually returning to normal, and “we look forward to it.”





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2021 第四届美国传承杯国际艺术节闭幕式







The Closing Ceremony and the Awards Ceremony of the 2021 4th US Legacy Cup International Art Festival will be held on August 21st from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Bonita Center for the Arts and will be live broadcasted via exclusive channel of the Chinese Musicians Association of the United States and the 18.9 channel of the US City Satellite TV station.   

This Festival is supported by the Chinese Consulate General of Los Angeles. The special invited guests include members of the U.S. Congress and County and City officials, overseas Chinese leaders, political and business celebrities and mayors of the 22 cities of the Los Angeles County.  Previous winners of the “Legacy Cup", contemporary drama artists and masters, local musicians, Hollywood filmmakers and this year's award-winning contestants will all be attending the Closing Ceremony.

The Legacy Cup International Art Competition provides participants a glamourous and unique platform. Talented competitors from all over the world will have the opportunity to compete for rankings, trophies, and perform on the world-class stage. These competitions are special cultural exchanges, which will help expand the participants' horizons and cultural awareness, and raise their expectations for artistic performances.

Many world-class art masters will serve as judges in the competitions. The winners will also have the opportunity to perform on the same stage with artists from all over the world and can gain in-depth experience with many of the world's best musicians.




Programs in the Cloud

We will remember where we were. This Festival is also a time and celebration for the new format of broadcasting concert in the Cloud. The 4th US Legacy Cup International Art Festival will launch three opera concerts in the Cloud: “ the Rhythm and Charm of Drama”, “National Style Drama”, “Spring Blossoms and Autumn Realities”. Four folk music symphonies “Sing a Folk Song”, “Brilliant National Music”; “Fragrant National Style”, and “Tide from the East”. These symphonies aim not only to preserve and promote the traditional Chinese performing arts but also to thrive the Legacy. The performance will be shown via high-definition video on American Chinese TV (US East), US Chinese Network, IQiyi contracted platform, YouTube exclusive channel and the SINO-US Chinese Musicians Association official channel.

The top notch broadcasting technology brings the world together across the oceans and connects artists from everywhere. With the program shown in the Cloud, audience and the fans of the “Legacy Cup” will no longer be restricted by the time and location, and can gather together with artists virtually. People from east and west can watch the show together at the same time!

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